I went to a writer’s conference, because I am a writer, and a speaker said something I really identified with. She said that when a writer isn’t writing, then the rest of their life is probably out of order. So. Very. True.
I have several writing things I need to do. Each week I need to write an article for my newspaper. This takes 5 to 8 hours of time, depending on the topic. I have a bi-monthly magazine that is supposed to go out at the beginning of every other month, and as I am the sole proprietor of the publication, any delays on my part are distinctly felt or seen. I also write blog posts for this blog, which is proof that I am on top of things.
I only made two blog posts in the month of February: one at the beginning of the month, and another at the end. What was going on in the middle?
My spaceship had gotten knocked out of orbit. My little down-pat routine was interrupted, and it took me around six weeks to recover. When deadlines encroach on my breathing room, I have no choice but to get up early and do a couple or more hours of writing before my shift. By the end of playing “catch up” I was tired. I had a stress knot in the back of my head that would not go away.
Well. I finished my newspaper article by Saturday night last week. I also got the magazine to the print shop last week. Friday I posted a blog post. Monday was my Sabbath, and I felt rested by the end of the day. I am caught up.
The stress knot is gone. I’m a little tired, but I don’t feel fatigued anymore. My appetite has returned, and I enjoy going on walks. It was all about the writing. Or everything else affects the writing? I don’t know which. But, as a writer, if I’m not writing on schedule, the rest of my life is out of whack. Maybe there are similar things in your life, too.
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